Tom O’Donnell

About Me:

- Algorithm Team Lead for Purdue Robomaster Club: Developing autonomous navigation and auto-aim via computer vision and SLAM routines in ROS2
- Designed a Rubik's Cube Solving Robot capable of solving Rubik's Cubes in under 2.5 seconds
- Wrote a 3x3 Rubik's cube solver algorithm capable of solving over 2 million Rubik's Cubes per second
- Wrote an iOS 6 jailbreak using a SSH Ramdisk
- Author of of Purdue's Robomasters Team Wiki Page, aimed at documenting algorithm decisions and reducing complexity for new members


Tom's Resume (2023)
Software: C++, Python, Embedded C, ROS2, Verilog, Git, OpenCV, TensorFlow, Pytorch, Pandas, NumPy
Hardware: Digital logic, embedded systems, STM32, motor control, CAD


Purdue University (West Lafayette, IN)
Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering, Concentration in Software Engineering
3.7+ GPA, May 2025
Key Courses: Data Structures (ECE368), Microprocessor Systems (ECE362), Intro to Cybersecurity (ECE404), Probabilistic Methods (ECE302), Linear Algebra (MA265), Advanced C Programming (ECE264)

Work Experience

- Program Management Intern - Ford Motor Company (Summer 2023)
- Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) Intern - Ford Motor Company (Summer 2024)

Further Achievements / Course Highlights

- A+ in "Advanced C Programming" due to "Outstanding participation in ways that benefit other students" and "Among top 2% of students in the course"
- A+ in Data Structures and Algorithms (ECE368)
- A+ in Introduction to Cybersecurity (ECE404)
- 3x Dean's List and 3x Semester Honors
- EPICS Leadership Award (2022)